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НовостиОбщество23 июля 2016 13:15

Определился самый желанный мужчина в мире

В Британии прошел конкурс красоты Mister World 2016

В британском городе Саутпорт прошел конкурс красоты Mister World 2016, на котором выбрали «самого желанного мужчину на Земле». Громкий титул достался «мистеру Индия» - 27-летнему Рохиту Кханделвалу.

Друг победителя, фотограф Саян Сур Рой, рассказал, что раньше Рохит не был таким красивым: по его словам, его приятель приложил массу усилий и серьезно работал над собой несколько лет, чтобы превратиться из «скромного простого парня» в ослепительного мужчину. По признанию самого Кханделвала, идеальной формы он смог добиться благодаря упорным тренировкам в спортзале.

So after a wonderful day , Time is flying like fire , It's time to hit the sack ,
Blessed to be here Thank you God and all my people who have been appreciating and supporting me .
This is the biggest inspiration Love you all

So after a wonderful day , Time is flying like fire , It's time to hit the sack , Blessed to be here Thank you God and all my people who have been appreciating and supporting me . This is the biggest inspiration Love you all


Теперь молодой человек собирается вернуться на родину, где уже считается «большой сенсацией». В Индии он планирует сниматься в кино и участвовать в телешоу, пишет Daily Mail.

You see calmness of the ocean,
You see stillness of the breeze, the soul is hurling a tornado, this world is yet to see. Hungry eyes don't close yet,
the storm is at its peak,
let the stars guide me to the journey unseen.
My core is willing to bruise and scar
this heart is in disharmony
with every other part. My knees might tremble
but I won't collapse, Until I brave this storm Again. Another shoot with the one and only Follow @sayansurroy

You see calmness of the ocean, You see stillness of the breeze, the soul is hurling a tornado, this world is yet to see. Hungry eyes don't close yet, the storm is at its peak, let the stars guide me to the journey unseen. My core is willing to bruise and scar this heart is in disharmony with every other part. My knees might tremble but I won't collapse, Until I brave this storm Again. Another shoot with the one and only Follow @sayansurroy


Quote of the day: "A gentleman is simply a patient wolf " With @pauldavidmartinphotography

Quote of the day: "A gentleman is simply a patient wolf " With @pauldavidmartinphotography


Keep the undying spirit always always high In Your journey there would be people who would degrade your self-belief and spirit .
Be headstrong to knock them down and prove them wrong Nothing is more important than "you believing in yourself " #Goodnight

Keep the undying spirit always always high In Your journey there would be people who would degrade your self-belief and spirit . Be headstrong to knock them down and prove them wrong Nothing is more important than "you believing in yourself " #Goodnight


A must click before diving in the water Keep your mind clean and body fit Secret to healthy body comes from knowing what you eat , have knowledge of your daily intakes in terms of their results on your body and soon you will get to know where you are wrong :) #knowledge is power #cleaneating #natural source

A must click before diving in the water Keep your mind clean and body fit Secret to healthy body comes from knowing what you eat , have knowledge of your daily intakes in terms of their results on your body and soon you will get to know where you are wrong :) #knowledge is power #cleaneating #natural source


Baby STeps count as far as you are going forward , you add them all up and one day you will be surprised at where you might get to " - Chris Gardner Picture by : @sayansurroy

Baby STeps count as far as you are going forward , you add them all up and one day you will be surprised at where you might get to " - Chris Gardner Picture by : @sayansurroy



Международный мужской конкурс красоты Mister World, спонсируемый организацией Мисс Мира, был основан в 1996 году. Он разделен на различные этапы: претендентам на победу необходимо проявить свои спортивные умения, продемонстрировать таланты, поучаствовать в модном дефиле и дать несколько интервью. По итогам всех испытаний жюри выносит свой вердикт.